
GoogleMeetisahigh-qualityvideocallingappdesignedtohelpyouhavemeaningfulandfuninteractionswithyourfriends,family,colleagues, ...,JoinfromcalendarorID·SelectCalendarontheleftmostsideofTeamstoviewyourmeetings.Calendarview·FindthemeetingyouwantandselectJoin.,Meet應用程式中加入會議。你可以透過GoogleMeet、Google日曆、Gmail等加入視訊會議,還可以透過電話或從會議室撥入會議,或在沒有Google帳戶的情況下使...

Google Meet on the App Store

Google Meet is a high-quality video calling app designed to help you have meaningful and fun interactions with your friends, family, colleagues, ...

Join a meeting in Microsoft Teams

Join from calendar or ID · Select Calendar on the leftmost side of Teams to view your meetings. Calendar view · Find the meeting you want and select Join.

加入會議- 電腦

Meet 應用程式 中加入會議。 你可以透過Google Meet、Google 日曆、Gmail 等加入視訊會議,還可以透過電話或從會議室撥入會議,或在沒有Google 帳戶的情況下使用Google ...

Google Meet (original)

Securely connect, collaborate, and celebrate from anywhere. With Google Meet, everyone can safely create and join high-quality video meetings for groups of ...

Google Meet

Google Meet is a high-quality video calling app designed to help you have meaningful and fun interactions with your friends, family, colleagues, ...

Google Meet


Join a meeting

Enter a meeting code or nickname. In a web browser, enter Click Enter a code or link > click Join. Enter a meeting code or nickname.

Google Meet:線上語音和視訊會議通話

Google Workspace 使用者可利用Google Meet,享受安全的線上電話會議和視訊通訊體驗。